Street Fighter V Input Lag Fix This Week… Will This Change The Game?

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Photo Credit: GrabPCGames

Since Capcom posted a tweet in response to the numerous complaints about input lag, there will be an update on October 23rd to fix the issue.

Characters including Zangief, Guile, and R. Mika are rumored to get the short end of the stick due to the opponent’s reactions being quicker. Players have mixed reviews about how this will change the game.

However, many are forgetting that the input lag is just one of the problems that need to be fixed.

Those who play on PC, and recently Macbook, will notice no change as the problem is commonly known on the PlayStation 4. This will definitely change things in tournaments and offline play altogether, but will this help online?

It’s kind of hard to tell seeing there are other factors that cause lag in the game. For example, playing people who are outside your region contributes to some of the worst matches online. Others include those who play on Wifi and those who use lag switches.

Even with the fix, it still depends on how the person plays the game. Will they lab to adapt to the changes or will they go straight into ranked/casual matches? will they finally sit down and study frame data? Or will they notice how the change impacts their character and they switch to a new main?

It’s also important to remember that SFV has its own server, which contributes to lag in the first place to allow crossplay.

There’s more that can be done before ‘Season 4’ next year, but in the meantime, fans of the game will take what they can get to help them improve their game.

Do you think the lag input will change the game? Tell us why in the comment section below.

Follow Jeramie Lee on Twitter @JeramieLee87 and @UNDRSCORE87_FGC.

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