Combo Breaker Recap: Top 3 Disrespectful Moments From The Event


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Still coming off the hype of this past weekend’s Combo Breaker? So are we. With so much going on it was hard to keep up with everything. But one thing is for certain, not every game played started with a handshake and ended with GGs. Here are three disrespectful things that happened during the event.

Scar and SonicFox’s Mutual Disrespect

Though the two are cool with each other in real life, when it comes to fighting games, even your friends can become your enemies. Captured in a couple of photos, the two made it clear that when in Grand Finals, the real war begins.

After Scar secured his win as Combo Breaker MK11 champion, the two laughed and shook hands as it was a close set. Better believe their rivalry is just getting started.

Texas Vs Florida In MK11

What was shaping to be one of the best team battles with Texas and Florida trash talking each other leading up to CB19, their matches were filled with excitement, teabags, and gloating from Florida when they won the bragging rights as the best Mortal Komabt players.

The hype behind this was so big that it’s difficult to cover two hours into a couple of paragraphs. If you want to see what happened or relive the moment watch the matches below.


A Peed Off Champion Wants Something Done

Combo Breaker SFV champion Punk continues to raise the bar for others who are trying to work their way into Capcom Cup. However, during his match, he mentioned that someone was flipping him off while he was competing.

No one knows who the person was or when during Top 8 this happened. This also means that not everyone is acceptable to any disrespect even as a friendly gesture. Punk’s idea is something that Capcom would make possible at future events.

With venues with thousands of people and some who can’t control their alcohol, having a separate spot for players may be a good idea similar to how players are kept in the back during EVO.

No word on when this will start happening, but if more players complain about being mistreated while amongst spectators it can happen sooner than later.

What was your favorite disrespectful moment from Combo Breaker? Should Top 8 players be placed away from the crowd before competing? Leave your comments below.

Follow Jeramie Lee on Twitter @JeramieLee87

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