SFV Fans/Pros Reacts To Unofficial Fan-Made Patch

Yesterday, a Reddit post that featured what is to be a fan-made patch in the netcode for Street Fighter V spread across social media in a matter of minutes.

The post was shared by a fan, Zero-Kira, that featured a link and instructions for players to download for the PC version of the game. If downloaded correctly, players will notice the difference when playing online.

While some players are praising the patch, others are looking at Capcom as to why a fix that fans were requesting for years was fixed in a couple of days?

The netcode patch at the moment is only available for PC users meaning console players will have to stick to the 3-5 bar games when playing online. You can find the directions to install the patch below.

Reminder: The patch is an unofficial fix that was created by a third party. The test of the patch may have different results for players. 

Have you tried the unofficial patch yet? Did you notice a difference in the gameplay online? Let us know what you thought of it.

Follow Jeramie Lee on Twitter @JeramieLee87. Have any tips and/or stories that should be covered. Send an email to weplaygamingonline@gmail.com.

Source: Twitter/ FGC Player – NoGoodCitizen

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