Groups picked for Capcom Cup IX happening this month

CAPCOM CUP – For the last year of Street Fighter V at Capcom Cup, there has been a change of order on how the participants will play in this year’s event.

On Thursday, RobTV and Street Fighter legend Alex Valle held a drawing to see which player from their region would be placed into a group.

Unlike the previous cups where it was a regular seeded bracket, players are placed into groups with others from each region.

The goal – to avoid having players from the same region fight each other early in bracket.

Below are the player placed in Groups A through H:

(Listings below courtesy of Capcom Fighters)

There’s still one more player to be decided for the Last Chance Qualifier (LCQ). Registration for the event ends Sunday.

Capcom Cup IX takes place on Feb. 14 in Hollywood, California. Find out more by visiting the Capcom Pro Tour.

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